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Wood is also COLOR!
When there is significant wood in a space, it greatly affects the appearance of the paint colors--especially cool colors! This is due to metamerism: colors' appearance changes in relationship to the other finishes surrounding it.Woods are warm and can be considered as red, orange, or yellow to determine how other colors will relate [...]
Light & Airy "Green" Construction
Keeping in line with how Mother Nature designs with color, we always strive to balance warm and cool colors (including the architectural finishes) to create the highest vibration and best feeling spaces. When there is an abundance of wood, we balance with cool colors. With the predominant cool tones of the tile in the bathroom, [...]
The Most Sustainable Kitchen and Bathroom Remodels
When Emily is asked to help with kitchen and bathroom remodels, she always looks to the most sustainable and low-cost options first. The layout, appliances, cabinetry, kitchen backsplash, and flooring in this home were all in good shape. Therefore, painting every surface, acquiring new hardware, countertops, window treatments, and vanity for the bathroom were all [...]
From Staged to Authentic: A Midcentury Modern Rambler
With the colorful art and not to be missed fuzzy turquoise sofa, this home's palette was developed from the original woodwork and architectural finishes of this mid-century rambler. The neutral paint colors were chosen to create a serene, yet warm environment.AFTERBEFOREAFTERBEFOREAFTERAFTERBEFOREWe have to point out the effect of metamerism so beautifully captured in the photo [...]
Achieving Color Balance at Gloria's
When Emily arrived at Gloria's house, there were a number of colors already working well that Gloria liked. However, there were some colors that were out of balance that Emily detected right away. While Gloria couldn't diagnose the issue herself, she felt something was off. This is what she told Emily on the phone [...]
Lori's Exotic Art Creates the Palette
Lori loves to travel the world and brings home exotic art from the most remote places. To honor her sense of adventure and spirit, her art guided the choices for the colors throughout her home. In addition to paint, Emily also helped her with some new fabric selections for upholstery and updating architectural finishes such [...]
Color is Perceived Through Relationships
I recently worked with a couple on their kitchen remodel, who also happen to be friends. They are extremely talented with a home that truly reflects their family's spirit: relaxed, organic, artsy, warm, and comfortable. The kitchen is the last space in the home to be remodeled. They've done it [...]
Metamerism and Why Does Paint Color Shift By John Shearer
When beige looks pink, blue appears green and red turns into orange, it’s not necessarily cause for concern. In fact, these changes take place on a regular basis, but what’s really going on?Surprisingly, it may not be your eyes, and the fix might require nothing more than a change of light bulbs. What’s happening is [...]